Check your status! The voters on this list may have their registrations cancelled as early as March, 2023 if they do not vote or update their address. A voter will only appear on this list if we have received objective, third party evidence that the voter no longer lives at this address. This evidence can be:
A piece of first class mail that we sent was returned as undeliverable.
The National Change of Address program of the United States Postal Service has an updated address.
The Tennessee Department of Safety has a different, newer address for the voter.
When we get information that your address may no longer be correct, we mail a confirmation notice that can be forwarded to the new address. This contains a postage paid reply envelope. If you get a piece of mail like this, take a moment to fill it out, so you will have no problems voting.
If you are on this list, you may update your information at or you can file a new voter registration form on paper.
CAUTION - THIS LIST IS ONLY UPDATED WHEN THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES! (And we generally don't make voters inactive in an even number year.) So, if you see your name on this list and update your registration online, your name will remain on this list until the next list is posted.
December, 2022 Inactive Voters