All candidates are required to complete periodic financial disclosures. The deadlines can be found on our events calendar, the page on this website for the specific election or by visiting the
Candidate Filing Deadlines page of the Tennessee Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance. PLEASE NOTE: The deadlines on the TN BECF page only apply to county and state offices.
If you are running for a City of Memphis office, you have different reporting periods and deadlines. Please view those deadlines here.
To file the required Statement of Interest, please
click here.
Please note that there are limits to the amount an individual, PAC or party can contribute to a campaign. For the current limits, please
click here.
Blank paper forms can be found
here. If you are required to file financial disclosures and want to use our on-line filing system, please
click here and register for a on-line account. Step by step instructions about how to register for an on-line account can be found
To search for campaign finance disclosures for Shelby County candidates, please
click here.
To see disclosures filed by candidates for state office, please
click here.
If you believe that a violation of campaign finance law has occured, click
here for how to file a complaint.