Becoming a Poll Worker

Poll Workers – Be Part of the Process and GET PAID!

We need you!
  • Are you at least 16 years old and a resident of Shelby County? Please click here to fill out the student application form
  • Are 18, or older, and a registered voter in Shelby County? Please click here to fill out the application form.
  • Have you voted in a primary election?  (If you are newly registered, you don’t have to have voted in a primary but will be required to before you can work again.)
  • On election days, are you willing to work from 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. or until precinct work is completed?
  • Can you provide your own transportation to and from training and the polling location?
If you answered “Yes” to these questions, please apply to be a Poll Worker!
Poll Workers are paid $210 for the day plus $45 for required training.  Training is available on days, nights, and Saturdays.
Questions?  Visit our FAQ page.
If you are interested and have questions, call our Election Staffing Department at 901-222-6830 or email:  [email protected]
Arlington Pollworkers Michael
Pollworkers in a recent election.

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