Some materials available for download. Please feel free to download and copy any of the materials on this page.
Users are free to copy these but they may not be changed.
The Shelby County Election Commission offers free public classes and informational sessions (schedule allowing). If you are interested in any of the educational resources listed below for your class, church, or organization, please email [email protected] .
Available lnformational Sessions:
Voting 901 – A basic class on how to use voting equipment and what to expect at the polls for those who will vote for the first time. Participants are offered a tour of SCEC at a different date and time after the class.
Running for Office – Ever thought of throwing your hat in the ring for a political position? This class offers information on the process, how to complete the paperwork, filing deadlines, and what to expect.
Classes for Young People:
Facts for Future Voters - Information for teens about voting, mechanics, motivation and duty. Voting machines are brought in for demonstration, and we hold an election with ballot items of interest to teens.
Never Too Young – Voting machines are brought in and an election is held for elementary-age school children. Ballot items may be things like favorite movie, favorite dessert, favorite cartoon character or TV show.
Linda Phillips teaching a class at the Raleigh Library.
Please color one of our coloring pages. Then mail it, along with your name and address to Shelby County Election Commission at 157 Poplar, Suite 137, Memphis, TN 38103. You may also scan and email it to
[email protected]. By mailing it to us, you agree that we may use the page and your first name on our social media.
Coloring Pages
Parents & Teachers
Are you looking for some resources to help children and teens learn about our government and the importance of voting?
We suggest the following websites as age appropriate resources to help your children and students learn about our government and the election process:
We welcome visitors to tour the O.C. Pleasant, Jr. Election Operations Center, 980 Nixon Drive. Tours can be arranged for individuals, clubs or groups. For more information, email to schedule a time.
Please note, private tours may not be possible during elections, but public inspections of the voting machines in both Early Voting and Election Day occur during each election cycle, and you are welcome to attend at that time.
Become a Deputy Registrar!
Volunteer Deputy Registrars assist the Shelby County Election Commission with the important job of getting people registered to vote.
It’s easy to help! Sign-up for training and become a voter registration expert. Register voters at registration drives in high schools, community centers, churches, and other events.
Check out our calendar for upcoming training dates. If you are interested, email .
For current Deputy Registrars that need to publish their event, please email the following information to [email protected] .
Name of Deputy Registrar(s) Attending
Name of Event
Beginning and Ending Time
Any specific information such as language interpretation that will be available.