Some materials available for download. Please feel free to download and copy any of the materials on this page.
The Shelby County Election Commission offers free public classes and informational sessions (schedule allowing). If you are interested in any of the educational resources listed below for your class, church, or organization, please email [email protected] .
Available lnformational Sessions:
Voting 901 – A basic class on how to use voting equipment and what to expect at the polls for those who will vote for the first time. Participants are offered a tour of SCEC at a different date and time after the class.
Running for Office – Ever thought of throwing your hat in the ring for a political position? This class offers information on the process, how to complete the paperwork, filing deadlines, and what to expect.
Classes for Young People:
Never Too Young – Voting machines are brought in and an election is held for elementary-age school children. Ballot items may be things like favorite movie, favorite dessert, favorite cartoon character or TV show.
Linda Phillips teaching a class at the Raleigh Library.
We welcome visitors to tour the O.C. Pleasant, Jr. Election Operations Center, 980 Nixon Drive. Tours can be arranged for individuals, clubs or groups. For more information, email [email protected] to schedule a time.
Please note, private tours may not be possible during elections, but public inspections of the voting machines in both Early Voting and Election Day occur during each election cycle, and you are welcome to attend at that time.
Become a Deputy Registrar!
Volunteer Deputy Registrars assist the Shelby County Election Commission with the important job of getting people registered to vote.
It’s easy to help! Sign-up for training and become a voter registration expert. Register voters at registration drives in high schools, community centers, churches, and other events.
Check out our calendar for upcoming training dates. If you are interested, email [email protected] .
For current Deputy Registrars that need to publish their event, please email the following information to [email protected] .
Name of Deputy Registrar(s) Attending
Name of Event
Beginning and Ending Time
Any specific information such as language interpretation that will be available.
If you are a member of the media and on deadline, please contact our PR Representative, Suzanne Thompson at (901) 550-5509.
Press Releases
2/6/2020 Presidential Primary Early Voting Info
4/3/2019 New SCEC Commissioners
1/20/2019 SCEC Won't Appeal IRV
1/7/2019 Early Voting Begins in District 32 Race
12/10/2018 Death of Past Chairman O.C. Pleasant, Jr.
11/28/2018 Petitions Available District 32
11/9/2018 Provisional Totals Close Races
11/9/2018 Provisional Counting Board
10/31/2018 Order Issued by Appellate Court
10/25/2018 False Reporting EV Hours
10/23/2018 TBVP Release, Final
9/20/2018 Drive Thru VR Drive
9/20/2018 Community Event Germantown
9/17/2018 September Commission Meeting
9/17/2018 Voting Machine Demo
9/11/2018 Referendum for 11/2918 Ballot