With the Midterm Elections upon us, we are in full-on election mode. The ballot is being finalized and will be approved at the Commission Meeting on September 18th. We had a last minute addition to the ballot, a Referendum ordered by the Memphis City Council, which you will find at the end of the sample ballot on page 3.
We’re hoping you will read over the sample ballot contained in the center section of this newsletter. During the last election we saw people come in with papers containing their choices (we hope some of them were copies of our newsletter). Choosing your preferences before you walk into your polling locations not only helps you get out faster, but also keeps your friends and neighbors in line from waiting longer.
We’re hoping for great turn out for this election, not only because of the magnitude of the Election itself, but also because in the past month we have received thousands of new voter applications, and those people are generally eager to vote. While we love the enthusiasm of first time voters, it’s just the beginning. We want voting to become a lifelong habit. It’s just as im-portant for you to vote the 2nd time, the 10th time, or the 100th time, as the first time you went to the polls. We hope you’ll remember that and it will rekindle your ex citement about casting your vote.
Linda Phillips
Read the rest of the Newsletter here!